Friday, July 12, 2019

Once upon a time....

Once Upon a Time...In a basement far far away...I sit and listen to Hurricane Girlchild and her bff play.

The role play is amazing and the girls lily pad from playing house to planning a wedding reception to dress up faster than I can blink.

Every sentence begins with the word pretend.
Pretend you're a baby, pretend you're a princess. Pretend this is Halloween and you are a teapot. I'll be a mermaid.

It's fantastic.

each item they pick up and hold suddenly becomes part of the play, pretend this donut is a picnic lunch, I'm also going to pack some french fries...

My friends and I don't get to indulge in this kind of play. Ours is more like stolen hours every few months if we're lucky, clutching a wine glass that thankfully remains full due to a diligent hostess. We can pretend but only for those few short hours that we don't have cars that need the brakes fixed, piles of dirty laundry or demands of work and family.

During our play dates we can laugh and talk shop, discuss that latest deal scored at Winners and lament about partners. Build each other up and re connect. Talk about successes however small, laugh at our many failures and commiserate.  

Next time I'm out with the Girls I'm going to insist that I'm a mermaid.
Pretend that Sting is pulling up right now.

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